DVG is now part of the VVWCA

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Posts: 3170
Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:20 pm
First Name: Glenn
Vehicle Year: 1974
Model: Beetle
Location: Long Island, New York, USA

Re: DVG is now part of the VVWCA

Post by Glenn »

OK.. all those that want to join can go to the DVG page at http://www.vvwca.com/clubs/dvg/ and either print an application or use the online paypal link at the bottom

I'll still bring applications with me to meetings.
74 Beetle Specs | 74 Beetle Restoration | 2180cc Engine

"You may not get what you pay for, but you always pay for what you get"

When you mess with the bull, you get the horns.
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Posts: 3170
Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:20 pm
First Name: Glenn
Vehicle Year: 1974
Model: Beetle
Location: Long Island, New York, USA

Re: DVG is now part of the VVWCA

Post by Glenn »

I just wanted to being this up again.

DVG is a Chapter of the Vintage Volkswagen Club of America (VVWCA) and I encourage all members to also join the VVWCA. Beside getting a nice newsletter 6 times a year, VVWCA member brings a number of advantages to the DVG and it satisfy the insurance requirement for some companies where you have to be a member of a club.

If anyone is interested, they should contact me and i'll get them the paperwork. You can also join online and pay with paypal at this link: http://www.vvwca.com/clubs/dvg/
74 Beetle Specs | 74 Beetle Restoration | 2180cc Engine

"You may not get what you pay for, but you always pay for what you get"

When you mess with the bull, you get the horns.
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